Monday, May 2, 2016

Reflection on the Film, "Home"

My professor assigned us to watch the film, "Home" (2006), and to reflect in a statement or two on protecting the Earth's Habitability. There were multiple parts and roles of science for my classmates to choose and focus on during the film including: life, earth, space, physical science and engineering. I choose to focus on the earth science aspect of the film. 

As I was watching this film, I was deeply moved. The camera footage was unbelievably beautiful and really showed various parts of the Earth that I have never seen shown before like this. It shocked me to see that the majority of the footage of the Earth showed how
human activity affected the environment. The voice of the narrator described what was really happening in the Earth and spoke in a manner that could not be ignored. 

I feel that I learned so much about the Earth in the short amount of time that this film provided. I learned that land, water, and life combined create a certain balance with everything and every being having a role to play. Agriculture is what started this change in the environment of the Earth. The land was greatly appreciated back in time and still today in other countries because their daily concern is to feed themselves by extracting from the land only enough to live on. This is extremely important because we are not being responsible consumers and are forgetting how scarce some resources can be. 

In nature, everything is linked. Our constant need for oil and energy has destroyed the Earth and has affected our resources. Human behavior has shaped the Earth by creating toxic pesticides, excessive mining, extinction, water shortages, deforestation, global warming, droughts, wildfires, and excessive CO2 leveling. We need to take action now in order to protect our home. We can do many things to do this and every person can make a difference. It is important that we educate one another about the reality of what is occurring on Earth. It is also important that we join and adapt organizations to put an end to the damage that we causing to Earth. 

This is a great film that can especially be used in the classroom. Teachers can use this to teach students about the Earth and/or global warming. It can also be used to help people learn the truth of what is happening on Earth and encourage others to take action and protect our home. 

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