Thursday, May 12, 2016

Reflection on Science in the News

"Experts Debate the Best Spots for Astronauts to Land on Mars Someday" by Scientific American (Newsela)

What is the science issue involved:  It is revealed that for the first time, astronauts will be creating a home base on Mars in order to find any life on this planet and possible sites for humans to live on one day. Experts are still trying to decide what areas they should land in due to risky effects of contamination and whether humans can survive on a frozen desert. "If there is life somewhere on Mars, it has been around for billions of years, scientist Steve Clifford said. We do not have the right to put that life at risk. It would be a terrible thing if we were to kill off the first living thing we come across in outer space, he said. In the end, the experts at the meeting could not agree on a place to land. About all they could agree on was that more study is probably necessary."

Why did you choose it? I thought that this was a very interesting article. I have heard that there was a lot of talk about making a trip to Mars and the possibility that humans will one day be able to live on Mars. I find it interesting that Mars is the only planet that humans could live on and that there may be some form of life out there in outer space.

How does this current topic relate to the classroom discourse? This topic is on astronomy, specifically on the planets and solar system. We learned in this course about astronomy and how it is important for teachers to be up to date with what is occurring in all aspects of the science fields so that the students will be able to see what is being done with science today. This is important information because these students might be the ones who will live on Mars one day. The students are the future and it is important that they learn about the planets and the possibilities that are there in the future. 

How can you use the news articles in teaching science? Teachers can use news articles in many ways in the classroom. When teaching students about a certain area of science, teachers can teach the students the information and then present them with a news article to show why this is important today. For example, teachers can teach students about astronomy and the planets. After teaching the students about Mars, teachers can present them with the news article and show the students what is happening with Mars today and why it is important that we are learning about it. Teachers can also have students research various news articles and combine their findings with their classmates to show how much they learned about a specific area of science in the news today. For example, they could combine articles about Astronomy and then combine their peers articles about Astronomy in order to gain a deeper knowledge about it in what is occurring today. 

Scientific American (2016) Experts debate the best spots for Astronuats to land on Mars someday. Newsela.

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