Reflection on Space Science Project
Recently, we conducted a project that would help us to gain more knowledge about space science while learning ways to teach the subject in the classroom. Dr. Smirnova had us refer to a solar system Google Docs where we each chose a category or planet by placing our name in the box. I picked Jupiter. We then had to research and learn more about what we picked using Instagrok , an interactive website with map-like features where you can discover condensed information. I researched more information about Jupiter from this website. After making note of important information that I found, I then contributed two slides about Jupiter to the classroom slideshow on the Solar System. When the class was finished, we each presented our slides on this shared classroom slideshow. I was able to learn a lot about the other planets that I didn't know before.
Before starting this project, Dr. Smirnova had us research and take note of any articles about Astronomy that we found to be interesting. I had selected up to 8 articles. We were then split up into groups of 3 as we shared our articles to the members of our group. Our task was to create a list of common words from each of our articles into a Word Cloud. My group used a Word Cloud generator in order to copy and paste each article into one system. Our Word Cloud really did a great job in combining the important words and aspects about our articles.
We then had to create a timeline using the important terms from our Word Cloud. We used the website called, Time Toast, to make our timeline on. It is a very interactive time line that showed either a list version of each event in the timeline or it would show the lay out version. In our Time Toast, we referred to terms such as "Kepler," "Galileo," "Vostok 1," "Pluto," and "spacecraft." With these people and terms, we sorted them throughout history and organized it based on their times. Our time line came out very well and we were able to teach the class about what we learned and how this project helped us to learn more about these subjects and how to teach it in the classroom. This is a great project to use in my future classroom.
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